

Vaastu Astrology


38 Years of Experience

Verified experts
100% Authentic Services
Confidential Reports


"Astrology is an empirical science of probabilities & experiences wherein we study the effect of planets on human beings. Happenings on this earth are not random but fully controlled & planets play an important role by virtue of their gravitational & unknown cosmic forces."


The renowned astro-physicist Prof. (Dr.) Dixit is an M.Sc. (Physics), M.E. (computer Science), Ph.D. from famous “Agra University” (now called “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University”), India and has done Post Doctoral Research work in Astro-Physics at TIFR, Mumbai. Our sister concern is “Future Point Computers” and "Predictiononline" started in 1992 by Prof. (Dr.) Dixit. Prof (Dr.) S. Dixit has worked as a Director/Professor in renowned Engineering Colleges and Universities. He has developed software in the fields of Institutional Management, Astrology etc. using modern techniques of Mathematics and Computer Science.

  • The “Jyotisham” has actually used computers not only for accurate horoscope making and precise predictions but has also tested their validity by using advanced Mathematics. In fact our sister concern “Future Point Computers” also specialize in the field of Information Technology. Dr. Dixit has a deep knowledge of Physics, Computer & Astronomy to understand and develop astrological aspects of horoscopes. He has been practicing Astrology for the past FORTY years now.
  • He has developed software in the fields of Institutional Management, Astrology etc. using modern techniques of Mathematics and Computer Science. The “Jyotisham” has actually used computers not only for accurate horoscope making and precise predictions but has also tested their validity by using advanced Mathematics. In fact our sister concern “Future Point Computers” also specialize in the field of Information Technology. Dr. Dixit has a deep knowledge of Physics, Computer & Astronomy to understand and develop astrological aspects of horoscopes.